Managing Quests

In PSDK you manage quests through $quests. All the methods are explained in the documentation : PFM::Quests.

Now let's show you how to use this variable!

1st Step : Start Quests

To start a quest, call $quests.start(id) where id is the id of the quest in Studio.

Once $quests.start(id) is called you need to tell the System to check for your started quests with:


This method is used to check the quest from start to finish. It also shows the quest's name in a banner at the top of the screen.

Quest informer
Starting a new quest

2nd step : Validate the Goal

There are various methods used to validate goals:

  • $quests.beat_npc(quest_id, npc_name_index)wherequest_idis the quest id andnpc_name_indexis the index of the NPC to beat in the goal list in Studio.
  • $quests.speak_to_npc(quest_id, npc_name_index)where the parameters are the same.

The other objectives are automatically validated by PSDK.

An example goal list

To prevent any confusion, let's show a specific example of how to validate these goals. Each goal type has their own list, so in our example we have 2 goals for beating a trainer, 1 for beating a Pokémon and 1 to speak to a NPC. To validate these goals, it would look like this:

  • For ID 1 - Beat trainer - Rival Green: $quests.beat_npc(quest_id, 0)
  • For ID 2 - since it is not speaking to a trainer or beating an NPC it is handled automatically.
  • For ID 3 - Beat trainer - Prof Oak: $quests.beat_npc(quest_id, 1)
  • For ID 4 - Speak to NPC - Prof. Elm: $quests.speak_to_npc(quest_id, 0)

3rd Step: Check If the Quest Is Finished, Decide to Fail or Give the Reward

To finish a quest you have two things to do, check if all the goals are completed & distribute the reward.

Check If All the Goals Are Done

To check if all the goals are done, write the following line in a condition:


How to fail a quest

You can use $quests.finished?(quest_id) to decide whether a player should fail a quest, but realistically you can make a player fail a quest whenever you want by using the following line:


Check If the Rewards Were Distributed

To check if the rewards have already been distributed write this line in a condition:


To distribute rewards use the following command:
