Class: UI::TypeSprite

Type1Sprite show all
Defined in:
scripts/01450 Systems/00000 General/00100 UI Generics/00500 HelperSprites.rb


Class that show a type image using an object that responds to #type

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from SpriteSheet

#nb_x, #nb_y, #sx, #sy

Attributes inherited from LiteRGSS::ShaderedSprite

#blendmode, #shader

Attributes inherited from LiteRGSS::Sprite

#__index__, #angle, #bitmap, #height, #mirror, #opacity, #ox, #oy, #src_rect, #viewport, #visible, #width, #x, #y, #z, #zoom, #zoom_x, #zoom_y

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Type1Sprite

#data=, #initialize

Methods inherited from SpriteSheet

#bitmap=, #initialize, #select

Methods inherited from Sprite

#load, #mouse_in?, #set_origin_div, #set_rect, #set_rect_div, #set_z, #simple_mouse_in?, #translate_mouse_coords, #update

Methods inherited from LiteRGSS::Sprite

new, #set_origin, #set_position

Methods inherited from LiteRGSS::Disposable

#dispose, #disposed?

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from UI::Type1Sprite