Module: GameData::SystemTags

Included in:
Game_Character, PFM::Environment, PFM::ItemDescriptor, Pathfinding::Cursor, Pathfinding::TagsWeight
Defined in:
scripts/00000 Dependencies/00200 GameData(dep)/00100 GameData__SystemTags.rb


Module that contain the ids of every SystemTag


  • Nuri Yuri

Constant Summary collapse

Empty =

SystemTag that is used to remove the effet of SystemTags like TSea or TPond.

gen 0, 0
TIce =

Ice SystemTag, every instance of Game_Character slide on it.

gen 1, 0
TGrass =

Grass SystemTag, used to display grass particles and start Wild Pokemon Battle.

gen 5, 0
TTallGrass =

Taller grass SystemTag, same purpose as TGrass.

gen 6, 0
TCave =

Cave SystemTag, used to start Cave Wild Pokemon Battle.

gen 7, 0
TMount =

Mount SystemTag, used to start Mount Wild Pokemon Battle.

gen 5, 1
TSand =

Sand SystemTag, used to start Sand Pokemon Battle.

gen 6, 1
TWetSand =

Wet sand SystemTag, used to display a particle when walking on it, same purpose as TSand.

gen 2, 0
TPond =

Pond SystemTag, used to start Pond/River Wild Pokemon Battle.

gen 7, 1
TSea =

Sea SystemTag, used to start Sea/Ocean Wild Pokemon Battle.

gen 5, 2
TUnderWater =

Under water SystemTag, used to start Under water Wild Pokemon Battle.

gen 6, 2
TSnow =

Snow SystemTag, used to start Snow Wild Pokemon Battle.

gen 7, 2
Road =

SystemTag that is used by the pathfinding system as a road.

gen 7, 5
JumpR =

Defines a Ledge SystemTag where you can jump to the right.

gen 0, 1
JumpL =

Defines a Ledge SystemTag where you can jump to the left.

gen 0, 2
JumpD =

Defines a Ledge SystemTag where you can jump down.

gen 0, 3
JumpU =

Defines a Ledge SystemTag where you can jump up.

gen 0, 4
WaterFall =

Defines a WaterFall (aid for events).

gen 3, 0
HeadButt =

Define a HeadButt tile

gen 4, 0
RapidsL =

Defines a tile that force the player to move left.

gen 1, 1
RapidsD =

Defines a tile that force the player to move down.

gen 2, 1
RapidsU =

Defines a tile that force the player to move up.

gen 3, 1
RapidsR =

Defines a tile that force the player to move Right.

gen 4, 1
SwampBorder =

Defines a Swamp tile.

gen 5, 4
DeepSwamp =

Defines a Swamp tile that is deep (player can be stuck).

gen 6, 4
StairsL =

Defines a upper left stair.

gen 1, 4
StairsD =

Defines a up stair when player moves up.

gen 2, 4
StairsU =

Defines a up stair when player moves down.

gen 3, 4
StairsR =

Defines a upper right stair.

gen 4, 4
SlopesL =

Defines the left slope

gen 7, 3
SlopesR =

Defines the right slope

gen 7, 4
AcroBike =

Defines a Ledge “passed through” by bunny hop (Acro bike).

gen 6, 3
AcroBikeRL =

Defines a bike bridge that only allow right and left movement (and up down jump with acro bike).

gen 4, 3
AcroBikeUD =

Same as AcroBikeRL but up and down with right and left jump.

gen 3, 3
MachBike =

Defines a tile that require high speed to pass through (otherwise you fall down).

gen 5, 3
CrackedSoil =

Defines a tile that require high speed to not fall in a Hole.

gen 1, 3
Hole =

Defines a Hole tile.

gen 2, 3
BridgeUD =

Defines a bridge (crossed up down).

gen 2, 2
BridgeRL =

Defines a bridge (crossed right/left).

gen 4, 2
ZTag =

Define tiles that change the z property of a Game_Character.

[gen(0, 5), gen(1, 5), gen(2, 5), gen(3, 5), gen(4, 5), gen(5, 5), gen(6, 5)]
RocketL =

Defines a tile that force the character to move left until he hits a wall.

gen 0, 6
RocketD =

Defines a tile that force the character to move down until he hits a wall.

gen 1, 6
RocketU =

Defines a tile that force the character to move up until he hits a wall.

gen 2, 6
RocketR =

Defines a tile that force the character to move Right until he hits a wall.

gen 3, 6
RocketRL =

Defines a tile that force the character to move left until he hits a wall. (With Rotation)

gen 4, 6
RocketRD =

Defines a tile that force the character to move down until he hits a wall. (With Rotation)

gen 5, 6
RocketRU =

Defines a tile that force the character to move up until he hits a wall. (With Rotation)

gen 6, 6
RocketRR =

Defines a tile that force the character to move Right until he hits a wall. (With Rotation)

gen 7, 6

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.gen(x, y)

Generation of the SystemTag id


  • x (Integer)

    X coordinate of the SystemTag on the w_prio tileset

  • y (Integer)

    Y coordinate of the SystemTag on the w_prio tileset

[View source]

# File 'scripts/00000 Dependencies/00200 GameData(dep)/00100 GameData__SystemTags.rb', line 11

def gen(x, y)
  return 384 + x + (y * 8)

.system_tag_db_symbol(system_tag) ⇒ Symbol

Gives the db_symbol of the system tag



  • (Symbol)
[View source]

# File 'scripts/00000 Dependencies/00200 GameData(dep)/00100 GameData__SystemTags.rb', line 114

def system_tag_db_symbol(system_tag)
  case system_tag
  when TGrass
    return :grass
  when TTallGrass
    return :tall_grass
  when TCave
    return :cave
  when TMount
    return :mountain
  when TSand
    return :sand
  when TPond
    return :pond
  when TSea
    return :sea
  when TUnderWater
    return :under_water
  when TSnow
    return :snow
  when TIce
    return :ice
    return :__undef__