Class: Game_Character
- Includes:
- GameData::SystemTags
- Defined in:
- scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00110 Game_Character_2.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00155 Game_Character_bridge.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00105 Game_Character_passable.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb,
scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb
Class that describe and manipulate a Character (Player/Events)
Direct Known Subclasses
Constant Summary collapse
- StairsTag =
Array of SystemTag that define stairs
[StairsL, StairsD, StairsU, StairsR]
- SlideTags =
SystemTags that triggers “sliding” state
[TIce, RapidsL, RapidsR, RapidsU, RapidsD, RocketL, RocketU, RocketD, RocketR, RocketRL, RocketRU, RocketRD, RocketRR]
- SurfTag =
SystemTags that trigger Surfing
[TPond, TSea]
- SurfLTag =
SystemTags that does not trigger leaving water
SurfTag + [BridgeUD, BridgeRL, RapidsL, RapidsR, RapidsU, RapidsD, AcroBikeRL, AcroBikeUD, WaterFall, JumpD, JumpL, JumpR, JumpU]
Constant defining all the particle method to call
{ TGrass => :particle_push_grass, TTallGrass => :particle_push_tall_grass, TSand => :particle_push_sand, TSnow => :particle_push_snow, TPond => :particle_push_pond, TWetSand => :particle_push_wetsand }
Constant telling the sand particle name to push (according to the direction)
{ 2 => :sand_d, 4 => :sand_l, 6 => :sand_r, 8 => :sand_u }
Constant telling the snow particle name to push (according to the direction)
{ 2 => :snow_d, 4 => :snow_l, 6 => :snow_r, 8 => :snow_u }
Values that allows the shadow_disabled update in set_appearance
[false, true, nil]
Constants included from GameData::SystemTags
GameData::SystemTags::AcroBike, GameData::SystemTags::AcroBikeRL, GameData::SystemTags::AcroBikeUD, GameData::SystemTags::BridgeRL, GameData::SystemTags::BridgeUD, GameData::SystemTags::CrackedSoil, GameData::SystemTags::DeepSwamp, GameData::SystemTags::Empty, GameData::SystemTags::HeadButt, GameData::SystemTags::Hole, GameData::SystemTags::JumpD, GameData::SystemTags::JumpL, GameData::SystemTags::JumpR, GameData::SystemTags::JumpU, GameData::SystemTags::MachBike, GameData::SystemTags::RapidsD, GameData::SystemTags::RapidsL, GameData::SystemTags::RapidsR, GameData::SystemTags::RapidsU, GameData::SystemTags::Road, GameData::SystemTags::RocketD, GameData::SystemTags::RocketL, GameData::SystemTags::RocketR, GameData::SystemTags::RocketRD, GameData::SystemTags::RocketRL, GameData::SystemTags::RocketRR, GameData::SystemTags::RocketRU, GameData::SystemTags::RocketU, GameData::SystemTags::SlopesL, GameData::SystemTags::SlopesR, GameData::SystemTags::StairsD, GameData::SystemTags::StairsL, GameData::SystemTags::StairsR, GameData::SystemTags::StairsU, GameData::SystemTags::SwampBorder, GameData::SystemTags::TCave, GameData::SystemTags::TGrass, GameData::SystemTags::TIce, GameData::SystemTags::TMount, GameData::SystemTags::TPond, GameData::SystemTags::TSand, GameData::SystemTags::TSea, GameData::SystemTags::TSnow, GameData::SystemTags::TTallGrass, GameData::SystemTags::TUnderWater, GameData::SystemTags::TWetSand, GameData::SystemTags::WaterFall, GameData::SystemTags::ZTag
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
The bridge state.
#animation_id ⇒ Integer
ID of the animation to play on the character.
#blend_type ⇒ Integer
Blending of the event (0 is the only one that actually works).
#can_make_footprint ⇒ Boolean
Tell if the character can make footprint on the ground or not.
#character_hue ⇒ Intger
Must be 0.
#character_name ⇒ String
Name of the character graphic used to display the event.
#direction ⇒ Integer
Direction where the event is looking (2 = down, 6 = right, 4 = left, 8 = up).
#direction_fix ⇒ Boolean
If the direction is fixed.
#follower ⇒ Game_Character?
The follower.
#id ⇒ Integer
Id of the event in the map.
#in_swamp ⇒ Integer, false
If the character is in swamp tile and the power of the swamp tile.
#is_pokemon ⇒ Boolean
If the character is a Pokemon (affect the step anime).
The current move route.
#move_route_forcing ⇒ Boolean
If the character is forced to move using a specific route.
The current move route index.
#move_speed ⇒ Integer
Dynamic move_speed value of the Game_Character, return a different value than @move_speed.
#offset_screen_y ⇒ Integer?
Offset y of the character on the screen.
#offset_shadow_screen_y ⇒ Integer?
Offset y of the character on the screen.
#opacity ⇒ Integer
Opacity of the event when it's shown.
#particles_disabled ⇒ Boolean
If the particles are disabled for the Character.
#path ⇒ Array<RPG::MoveCommand>, ...
The current path.
#pattern ⇒ Integer
Current pattern of the character graphic shown.
#real_x ⇒ Integer
“real” X position of the event, usually x * 128.
#real_y ⇒ Integer
“real” Y position of the event, usually y * 128.
#reflection_enabled ⇒ Boolean
If the character has reflection.
#shadow_disabled ⇒ Boolean
If the shadow should be shown or not.
The current sliding state.
#step_anime ⇒ Boolean
If the event has a patern animation while staying.
The current surfing state.
#through ⇒ Boolean
If the character is traversable and it can walk through any tiles.
#tile_id ⇒ Integer
ID of the tile shown as the event (0 = no tile).
#transparent ⇒ Boolean
If the event is invisible.
#x ⇒ Integer
X position of the event in the current map.
#y ⇒ Integer
Y position of the event in the current map.
#z ⇒ Integer
Z priority of the event.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#activated? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the character is activate.
#animate_from_charset(lines, duration, reverse: false, repeat: false) ⇒ Boolean
Set the charset animation.
(also: #bridge_up_check)
Adjust the Character informations related to the brige when it moves down (or up).
(also: #bridge_right_check)
Adjust the Character informations related to the brige when it moves left (or right).
#bush_depth ⇒ Integer
bush_depth of the sprite of the character.
Cancel the charset animation.
Define the function check_event_trigger_touch to prevent bugs.
#contact?(x, y, z) ⇒ Boolean
Check if it's possible to have contact interaction with this Game_Character at certain coordinates.
Define the path from path_finding.
Detect if the event walks in a swamp or a deep swamp and change the Game_Character states.
#each_front_tiles(nb_steps) {|x, y, d| ... }
Iterate through each front tiles including current tile.
#each_front_tiles_rect(nb_steps, dist) {|x, y, d| ... }
Iterate through each front tiles including current tile.
#emotion(type, wait = 34, params = {})
Show an emotion to an event or the player.
#event_passable_check?(new_x, new_y, z, game_map) ⇒ Boolean
Check the passage related to events.
#find_path(to:, radius: 0, tries: Pathfinding::TRY_COUNT, type: nil, tags: :DEFAULT)
Request a path to the target and follow it as soon as it found.
#follower_check?(new_x, new_y, z) ⇒ Boolean
Check the passage related to events.
Move a follower.
#follower_sliding? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the follower slides.
#follower_tail ⇒ Game_Character, self
Return the tail of the following queue.
Force the character to adopt a move route and save the original one.
#front_name_check(name) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #front_name_detect)
Check a the #front_event has a specific name.
#front_system_tag ⇒ Integer
Return the SystemTag in the front of the Game_Character.
#front_system_tag_db_symbol ⇒ Symbol
Return the db_symbol of the front system tag.
#front_terrain_tag ⇒ Integer?
Terrain tag in front of the character.
#front_tile ⇒ Array(Integer, Integer)
Return tile position in front of the player.
#front_tile_event ⇒ Game_Event?
Return the event that stand in the front of the Player.
#front_tile_id ⇒ Integer, 0
Return the id of the #front_tile_event.
Increase step prototype (sets @stop_count to 0).
#initialize ⇒ Game_Character
Default initializer.
#jump(x_plus, y_plus, follow_move = true) ⇒ Boolean
Make the Game_Character jump.
#jump_bridge_check(x_plus, y_plus)
Perform the bridge check for the jump operation.
#jumping? ⇒ Boolean
is the character jumping ?.
Make the character look the player during a dialog.
#lock? ⇒ Boolean
Is the character locked ? (looking to the player when it's activated).
Look directly to the current event.
Look directly to a specific event.
#movable? ⇒ Boolean
Is the character able to execute a move action.
Move the Game_Character away from the player.
Move the Game_Character backward.
#move_down(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character down.
Warp the follower to the event it follows.
Move the Game_Character forward.
Set the move_frequency (and define the max_stop_count value).
#move_left(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character left.
Move the Game_Character lower left.
Move the Game_Character lower right.
Move the Game_Character to a random direction.
#move_right(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character right.
- #move_toward(tx, ty)
Move the Game_Character toward the player.
Movement induced by the Path Finding.
#move_up(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character up.
Move the Game_Character upper left.
Move the Game_Character upper right.
#movement_process_end(no_follower_move = false)
End of the movement process.
#moveto(x, y)
Warps the character on the Map to specific coordinates.
#moving? ⇒ Boolean
is the character moving ?.
#next_event_follower ⇒ Game_Event?
Rerturn the first follower that is a Game_Event in the queue.
#original_move_speed ⇒ Integer
Return the original move speed of the character.
Push a particle to the particle stack if possible.
Push a grass particle.
Push a pond particle.
Push a sand particle.
Push a snow particle.
Push a tall grass particle.
Push a wet sand particle.
#passable?(x, y, d, skip_event = false) ⇒ Boolean
Is the tile in front of the character passable ?.
#passable_bridge_check?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, z, game_map, sys_tag) ⇒ Boolean
Check the bridge related passabilities.
#passage_surf_check?(sys_tag) ⇒ Boolean
Check the surf related passabilities.
- #process_slope_y_modifier(y_modifier)
- #reset_follower
Remove the memorized moves of the follower.
#screen_x ⇒ Integer
Return the x position of the sprite on the screen.
#screen_y ⇒ Integer
Return the y position of the sprite on the screen.
#screen_z(_height = 0) ⇒ Integer
Return the z superiority of the sprite of the character.
#set_appearance(character_name, character_hue = 0)
Define the new appearance of the character.
Define the follower of the event.
Set the Game_Character in the “surfing” mode (not able to walk on ground but able to walk on water).
#shadow_screen_x ⇒ Integer
Return the x position of the shadow of the character on the screen.
#shadow_screen_y ⇒ Integer
Return the y position of the shadow of the character on the screen.
#sliding? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the Game_Character slides.
#slope_check_left(write = true)
Update the slope values when moving to left.
#slope_check_right(write = true) ⇒ Integer
Update the slope values when moving to right, and return y slope modifier.
#stair_move_left ⇒ Boolean
Try to move the Game_Character on a stair to the left.
#stair_move_right ⇒ Boolean
Try to move the Game_Character on a stair to the right.
Stop following the path if there is one and clear the agent.
Adjust the character position.
#surfing? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the Game_Character is in the “surfing” mode.
#system_tag ⇒ Integer
Return the SystemTag where the Game_Character stands.
#system_tag_db_symbol ⇒ Symbol
Return the db_symbol of the system tag.
#terrain_tag ⇒ Integer?
current terrain tag on which the character steps.
Turn 180°.
Turn away from the player.
Turn down unless direction fix.
Turn left unless direction fix.
Turn 90° to the left of the Game_Character.
Turn in a random direction.
Turn right unless direction fix.
Turn 90° to the right of the Game_Character.
Turn random right or left 90°.
Turn toward another character.
Turn toward the player.
Turn up unless direction fix.
Release the character, can perform its natural movements.
Update the Game_Character (manages movements and some animations).
Check bridge information and adjust the z position of the Game_Character.
Methods included from GameData::SystemTags
Constructor Details
#initialize ⇒ Game_Character
Default initializer
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 39 def initialize @id = 0 @x = 0 @y = 0 @z = 1 @real_x = 0 @real_y = 0 @tile_id = 0 set_appearance(nil.to_s, 0) @opacity = 255 @blend_type = 0 @direction = 2 @pattern = 0 @move_route_forcing = false @through = false @animation_id = 0 @transparent = false @original_direction = 2 @original_pattern = 0 @move_type = 0 @move_speed = 4 self.move_frequency = 6 @move_route = nil @move_route_index = 0 @original_move_route = nil @original_move_route_index = 0 @walk_anime = true @step_anime = false @direction_fix = false @always_on_top = false @anime_count = 0 @stop_count = 0 @jump_count = 0 @jump_peak = 0 @wait_count = 0 @slope_offset_y = 0 @slope_y_modifier = 0 @locked = false @prelock_direction = 0 @surfing = false # Variable indiquant si le chara est sur l'eau @sliding = false # Variable indiquant si le chara slide @sliding_parameter = nil # Variable giving extra information for sliding @pattern_state = false # Indicateur de la direction du pattern @can_make_footprint = true @reflection_enabled = $game_player&.reflection_enabled end |
Instance Attribute Details
The bridge state
7 8 9 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 7 def __bridge @__bridge end |
#animation_id ⇒ Integer
Returns ID of the animation to play on the character.
24 25 26 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 24 def animation_id @animation_id end |
#blend_type ⇒ Integer (readonly)
Returns blending of the event (0 is the only one that actually works).
11 12 13 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 11 def blend_type @blend_type end |
#can_make_footprint ⇒ Boolean
Returns tell if the character can make footprint on the ground or not.
7 8 9 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 7 def can_make_footprint @can_make_footprint end |
#character_hue ⇒ Intger
Returns must be 0.
7 8 9 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 7 def character_hue @character_hue end |
#character_name ⇒ String
Returns name of the character graphic used to display the event.
5 6 7 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 5 def character_name @character_name end |
#direction ⇒ Integer
Returns direction where the event is looking (2 = down, 6 = right, 4 = left, 8 = up).
18 19 20 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 18 def direction @direction end |
#direction_fix ⇒ Boolean (readonly)
If the direction is fixed
33 34 35 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 33 def direction_fix @direction_fix end |
#follower ⇒ Game_Character? (readonly)
Returns the follower.
28 29 30 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 28 def follower @follower end |
#id ⇒ Integer (readonly)
Id of the event in the map
6 7 8 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 6 def id @id end |
#in_swamp ⇒ Integer, false
Returns if the character is in swamp tile and the power of the swamp tile.
3 4 5 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 3 def in_swamp @in_swamp end |
#is_pokemon ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the character is a Pokemon (affect the step anime).
5 6 7 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 5 def is_pokemon @is_pokemon end |
#move_route (readonly)
The current move route
3 4 5 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 3 def move_route @move_route end |
#move_route_forcing ⇒ Boolean (readonly)
Returns if the character is forced to move using a specific route.
20 21 22 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 20 def move_route_forcing @move_route_forcing end |
#move_route_index (readonly)
The current move route index
5 6 7 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 5 def move_route_index @move_route_index end |
#move_speed ⇒ Integer
Dynamic move_speed value of the Game_Character, return a different value than @move_speed
26 27 28 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 26 def move_speed @move_speed end |
#offset_screen_y ⇒ Integer?
Returns offset y of the character on the screen.
21 22 23 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 21 def offset_screen_y @offset_screen_y end |
#offset_shadow_screen_y ⇒ Integer?
Returns offset y of the character on the screen.
23 24 25 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 23 def offset_shadow_screen_y @offset_shadow_screen_y end |
#opacity ⇒ Integer
Returns opacity of the event when it's shown.
9 10 11 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 9 def opacity @opacity end |
#particles_disabled ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the particles are disabled for the Character.
3 4 5 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 3 def particles_disabled @particles_disabled end |
#path ⇒ Array<RPG::MoveCommand>, ...
The current path
14 15 16 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 14 def path @path end |
#pattern ⇒ Integer (readonly)
Returns current pattern of the character graphic shown.
13 14 15 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 13 def pattern @pattern end |
#real_x ⇒ Integer (readonly)
Returns “real” X position of the event, usually x * 128.
14 15 16 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 14 def real_x @real_x end |
#real_y ⇒ Integer (readonly)
Returns “real” Y position of the event, usually y * 128.
16 17 18 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 16 def real_y @real_y end |
#reflection_enabled ⇒ Boolean
If the character has reflection
36 37 38 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 36 def reflection_enabled @reflection_enabled end |
#shadow_disabled ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the shadow should be shown or not.
19 20 21 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 19 def shadow_disabled @shadow_disabled end |
The current sliding state
30 31 32 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 30 def sliding @sliding end |
#step_anime ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the event has a patern animation while staying.
17 18 19 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 17 def step_anime @step_anime end |
#surfing=(value) (writeonly)
The current surfing state
11 12 13 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 11 def surfing=(value) @surfing = value end |
#through ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the character is traversable and it can walk through any tiles.
22 23 24 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 22 def through @through end |
#tile_id ⇒ Integer (readonly)
Returns ID of the tile shown as the event (0 = no tile).
3 4 5 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 3 def tile_id @tile_id end |
#transparent ⇒ Boolean
Returns if the event is invisible.
15 16 17 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 15 def transparent @transparent end |
#x ⇒ Integer
Returns X position of the event in the current map.
8 9 10 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 8 def x @x end |
#y ⇒ Integer
Returns Y position of the event in the current map.
10 11 12 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 10 def y @y end |
#z ⇒ Integer
Returns Z priority of the event.
12 13 14 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 12 def z @z end |
Instance Method Details
#activated? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the character is activate. Useful to make difference between event without active page and others.
236 237 238 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 236 def activated? true end |
#animate_from_charset(lines, duration, reverse: false, repeat: false) ⇒ Boolean
Set the charset animation. It can be needed to set the event in direction fixed.
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 59 def animate_from_charset(lines, duration, reverse: false, repeat: false) # Calculate and store the frames to display frames = [] lines.each do |dir| [0,1,2,3].each do |pattern| frames.push ((((dir+1)*2)<<2) | pattern) # A frame is 0bdddpp with ddd the direction, pp the pattern end end frames.reverse! if reverse # Invert the animation if asked duration *= 2 # Double the frame to match the game framerate (30 / s) # Contain the charset animation data @charset_animation = { running: true, # Indicate if the animation need to be updated or not frames: frames, # List of frames delay: (duration.to_f / frames.size.to_f).round, # Delay between two frame in frames repeat: repeat, # Indicate if the animation is looped or not counter: -1, # Frame counter (initialized at -1 so the first update will set the appearance) index: 0 # Index of the current frame to display } return update_charset_animation # First update, display the first frame end |
#bridge_down_check(z) Also known as: bridge_up_check
Adjust the Character informations related to the brige when it moves down (or up)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00155 Game_Character_bridge.rb', line 5 def bridge_down_check(z) if z > 1 and !@__bridge if (sys_tag = front_system_tag) == BridgeUD @__bridge = [sys_tag, system_tag] end elsif z > 1 and @__bridge @__bridge = nil if @__bridge.last == system_tag end end |
#bridge_left_check(z) Also known as: bridge_right_check
Adjust the Character informations related to the brige when it moves left (or right)
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00155 Game_Character_bridge.rb', line 19 def bridge_left_check(z) if z > 1 and !@__bridge if (sys_tag = front_system_tag) == BridgeRL @__bridge = [sys_tag, system_tag] end elsif z > 1 and @__bridge @__bridge = nil if @__bridge.last == system_tag end end |
#bush_depth ⇒ Integer
bush_depth of the sprite of the character
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 40 def bush_depth # タイルの場合、または最前面に表示フラグが ON の場合 if @tile_id > 0 or @always_on_top return 0 end # return 12 if @in_swamp #> Ajout des marais if @jump_count == 0 and $game_map.bush?(@x, @y) return 12 else return 0 end end |
Cancel the charset animation
82 83 84 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 82 def cancel_charset_animation @charset_animation = nil end |
Define the function check_event_trigger_touch to prevent bugs
232 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 232 def check_event_trigger_touch(*args); end |
#contact?(x, y, z) ⇒ Boolean
Check if it's possible to have contact interaction with this Game_Character at certain coordinates
172 173 174 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 172 def contact?(x, y, z) return (@x == x and y == @y and (@z - z).abs <= 1) end |
Define the path from path_finding
50 51 52 53 54 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 50 def define_path(path) @move_route_index_path_finder ||= @move_route_index @move_route_index = 0 @path = path end |
Detect if the event walks in a swamp or a deep swamp and change the Game_Character states.
178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 178 def detect_swamp sys_tag = system_tag if sys_tag == SwampBorder change_shadow_disabled_state(true) @in_swamp = 1 elsif sys_tag == DeepSwamp change_shadow_disabled_state(true) @in_swamp = 4 + (rand(2) == 0 ? 4 + rand(4) : 0) else change_shadow_disabled_state(false) @in_swamp = false end end |
#each_front_tiles(nb_steps) {|x, y, d| ... }
Iterate through each front tiles including current tile
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 26 def each_front_tiles(nb_steps) x = @x y = @y d = @direction dx = d[2] * (2 * d[1] - 1) dy = (1 - d[2]) * (2 * d[1] - 1) if block_given? 0.upto(nb_steps) do yield(x, y, d) x += dx y += dy end else return do |yielder| 0.upto(nb_steps) { |i| yielder << [x + i * dx, y + i * dy, d] } end end end |
#each_front_tiles_rect(nb_steps, dist) {|x, y, d| ... }
Iterate through each front tiles including current tile
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 51 def each_front_tiles_rect(nb_steps, dist) x = @x y = @y d = @direction dx = d[2] * (2 * d[1] - 1) dy = (1 - d[2]) * (2 * d[1] - 1) if block_given? 0.upto(nb_steps) do (dist*2+1).times { |line| yield(x + (line - dist) * dy, y + (line - dist) * dx, d) } x += dx y += dy end else return do |yielder| (dist*2+1).times do |line| 0.upto(nb_steps) { |i| yielder << [x + (line - dist) * dy + i * dx, y + (line - dist) * dx + i * dy, d] } end end end end |
#emotion(type, wait = 34, params = {})
Show an emotion to an event or the player
9 10 11 12 13 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 9 def emotion(type, wait = 34, params = {}) Yuki::Particles.add_particle(self, type, params) @wait_count = wait @move_type_custom_special_result = true if wait > 0 end |
#event_passable_check?(new_x, new_y, z, game_map) ⇒ Boolean
Check the passage related to events
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00105 Game_Character_passable.rb', line 92 def event_passable_check?(new_x, new_y, z, game_map) do |event| next unless, new_y, z) return false unless event.through end return true end |
#find_path(to:, radius: 0, tries: Pathfinding::TRY_COUNT, type: nil, tags: :DEFAULT)
Request a path to the target and follow it as soon as it found
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 20 def find_path(to:, radius: 0, tries: Pathfinding::TRY_COUNT, type: nil, tags: :DEFAULT) # Wrap data to match type ||= (to.is_a?(Array) ? :Coords : :Character) # Create the request Pathfinding.add_request(self, [type, to, radius], tries, ) # Set move route forcing to true @move_route_forcing_path_finder ||= @move_route_forcing @move_route_forcing = true @move_type_custom_special_result = true end |
#follower_check?(new_x, new_y, z) ⇒ Boolean
Check the passage related to events
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00105 Game_Character_passable.rb', line 105 def follower_check?(new_x, new_y, z) unless Yuki::FollowMe.is_player_follower?(self) || self == $game_player Yuki::FollowMe.each_follower do |event| return false if, new_y, z) end end return true end |
Move a follower
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 11 def follower_move return unless @follower return if @sliding && @follower.sliding && ROCKET_TAGS.include?(@sliding_parameter) return if $game_variables[Yuki::Var::FM_Sel_Foll] > 0 && @follower.class == Game_Character @follower.move_speed = @move_speed if @memorized_move @memorized_move_arg ? @follower.send(@memorized_move, *@memorized_move_arg) : @follower.send(@memorized_move) @memorized_move_arg = nil @memorized_move = nil return end x = @x - @follower.x y = @y - @follower.y d = @direction case d when 2 if x < 0 @follower.move_left elsif x > 0 @follower.move_right elsif y > 1 @follower.move_down elsif y == 0 @follower.move_up end when 4 if y < 0 @follower.move_up elsif y > 0 @follower.move_down elsif x < -1 @follower.move_left elsif x == 0 @follower.move_right end when 6 if y < 0 @follower.move_up elsif y > 0 @follower.move_down elsif x > 1 @follower.move_right elsif x == 0 @follower.move_left end when 8 if x < 0 @follower.move_left elsif x > 0 @follower.move_right elsif y < -1 @follower.move_up elsif y == 0 @follower.move_down end end end |
#follower_sliding? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the follower slides
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 85 def follower_sliding? if @follower return @follower.follower_sliding? unless @follower.sliding? return true end return false end |
#follower_tail ⇒ Game_Character, self
Return the tail of the following queue
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 102 def follower_tail return self unless (current_follower = @follower) while (next_follower = current_follower.follower) current_follower = next_follower end return current_follower end |
Force the character to adopt a move route and save the original one
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 105 def force_move_route(move_route) if @original_move_route.nil? @original_move_route = @move_route @original_move_route_index = @move_route_index end @move_route = move_route @move_route_index = 0 @move_route_forcing = true @prelock_direction = 0 @wait_count = 0 move_type_custom end |
#front_name_check(name) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: front_name_detect
Check a the #front_event has a specific name
75 76 77 78 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 75 def front_name_check(name) return true if front_tile_event&.event&.name == name return false end |
#front_system_tag ⇒ Integer
Return the SystemTag in the front of the Game_Character
91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 91 def front_system_tag xf = @x + (@direction == 6 ? 1 : @direction == 4 ? -1 : 0) yf = @y + (@direction == 2 ? 1 : @direction == 8 ? -1 : 0) return $game_map.system_tag(xf, yf) end |
#front_system_tag_db_symbol ⇒ Symbol
Return the db_symbol of the front system tag
107 108 109 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 107 def front_system_tag_db_symbol GameData::SystemTags.system_tag_db_symbol(front_system_tag) end |
#front_terrain_tag ⇒ Integer?
Terrain tag in front of the character
99 100 101 102 103 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 99 def front_terrain_tag xf = @x + (@direction == 6 ? 1 : @direction == 4 ? -1 : 0) yf = @y + (@direction == 2 ? 1 : @direction == 8 ? -1 : 0) return $game_map.terrain_tag(xf, yf) end |
#front_tile ⇒ Array(Integer, Integer)
Return tile position in front of the player
4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 4 def front_tile xf = @x + (@direction == 6 ? 1 : @direction == 4 ? -1 : 0) yf = @y + (@direction == 2 ? 1 : @direction == 8 ? -1 : 0) return [xf, yf] end |
#front_tile_event ⇒ Game_Event?
Return the event that stand in the front of the Player
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 12 def front_tile_event xf = @x + (@direction == 6 ? 1 : @direction == 4 ? -1 : 0) yf = @y + (@direction == 2 ? 1 : @direction == 8 ? -1 : 0) $ do |event| return event if event.x == xf and event.y == yf end return nil end |
#front_tile_id ⇒ Integer, 0
Return the id of the #front_tile_event
84 85 86 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 84 def front_tile_id return front_tile_event&.event&.id.to_i end |
Increase step prototype (sets @stop_count to 0)
399 400 401 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00110 Game_Character_2.rb', line 399 def increase_steps @stop_count = 0 end |
#jump(x_plus, y_plus, follow_move = true) ⇒ Boolean
Make the Game_Character jump
435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 435 def jump(x_plus, y_plus, follow_move = true) jump_bridge_check(x_plus, y_plus) new_x = @x + x_plus new_y = @y + y_plus if (x_plus == 0 && y_plus == 0) || passable?(new_x, new_y, 0) || ($game_switches[::Yuki::Sw::EV_AccroBike] && front_system_tag == AcroBike) straighten @x = new_x @y = new_y distance = Math.sqrt(x_plus * x_plus + y_plus * y_plus).round @jump_peak = 10 + distance - @move_speed @jump_count = @jump_peak * 2 @stop_count = 0 @pattern = (rand(2) == 0 ? 1 : 3) unless follow_move movement_process_end(true) if follow_move && @follower && $game_variables[Yuki::Var::FM_Sel_Foll] == 0 && (x_plus != 0 || y_plus != 0) follower_move @memorized_move = :jump @memorized_move_arg = [x_plus, y_plus] end end particle_push return @jump_count > 0 end |
#jump_bridge_check(x_plus, y_plus)
Perform the bridge check for the jump operation
464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 464 def jump_bridge_check(x_plus, y_plus) return if x_plus == 0 && y_plus == 0 if x_plus.abs > y_plus.abs x_plus < 0 ? turn_left : turn_right bridge_left_check(@z) else y_plus < 0 ? turn_up : turn_down bridge_down_check(@z) end end |
#jumping? ⇒ Boolean
is the character jumping ?
17 18 19 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 17 def jumping? return @jump_count > 0 end |
Make the character look the player during a dialog
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 48 def lock return if @locked # Store the old direction @prelock_direction = @direction # Make it look to the player turn_toward_player # Store the state @locked = true end |
#lock? ⇒ Boolean
in this state, the character is not able to perform automatic moveroute (rmxp conf)
Is the character locked ? (looking to the player when it's activated)
61 62 63 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 61 def lock? return @locked end |
Look directly to the current event
134 135 136 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 134 def look_this_event look_to($game_system.map_interpreter.event_id) end |
Look directly to a specific event
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 114 def look_to(event_id) return unless (event = $[event_id]) delta_x = event.x - @x delta_y = event.y - @y if delta_x.abs <= delta_y.abs if delta_y < 0 turn_up else turn_down end else if delta_x < 0 turn_left else turn_right end end end |
#movable? ⇒ Boolean
Is the character able to execute a move action
22 23 24 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 22 def movable? !(moving? || jumping?) end |
Move the Game_Character away from the player
351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 351 def move_away_from_player sx = @x - $game_player.x sy = @y - $game_player.y return if sx == 0 && sy == 0 abs_sx = sx.abs abs_sy = sy.abs if abs_sx == abs_sy rand(2) == 0 ? abs_sx += 1 : abs_sy += 1 end if abs_sx > abs_sy sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left unless moving? || sy == 0 sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up end else sy > 0 ? move_down : move_up unless moving? || sx == 0 sx > 0 ? move_right : move_left end end end |
Move the Game_Character backward
414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 414 def move_backward last_direction_fix = @direction_fix @direction_fix = true case @direction when 2 # 下 move_up(false) when 4 # 左 move_right(false) when 6 # 右 move_left(false) when 8 # 上 move_down(false) end @direction_fix = last_direction_fix end |
#move_down(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character down
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 4 def move_down(turn_enabled = true) turn_down if turn_enabled if passable?(@x, @y, 2) if $game_map.system_tag(@x, @y + 1) == JumpD jump(0, 2, false) return follower_move end turn_down bridge_down_check(@z) @y += 1 movement_process_end increase_steps else @sliding = false check_event_trigger_touch(@x, @y + 1) end end |
Warp the follower to the event it follows
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 72 def move_follower_to_character return unless @follower return if $game_variables[Yuki::Var::FM_Sel_Foll] > 0 @follower.move_follower_to_character # Fix left<->right stair issue but there's still a graphic glitch ^^' @follower.x = @x @follower.y = @y @follower.increase_steps @follower.update end |
Move the Game_Character forward
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 400 def move_forward case @direction when 2 move_down(false) when 4 move_left(false) when 6 move_right(false) when 8 move_up(false) end end |
Set the move_frequency (and define the max_stop_count value)
88 89 90 91 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 88 def move_frequency=(value) @move_frequency = value @max_stop_count = (40 - value * 2) * (6 - value) end |
#move_left(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character left
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 24 def move_left(turn_enabled = true) turn_left if turn_enabled return if stair_move_left y_modifier = slope_check_left if passable?(@x, @y + y_modifier, 4) if $game_map.system_tag(@x - 1, @y + y_modifier) == JumpL jump(-2, 0, false) return follower_move end turn_left bridge_left_check(@z) @x -= 1 movement_process_end if y_modifier != 0 @memorized_move = :move_toward @memorized_move_arg = [@x, @y] process_slope_y_modifier(y_modifier) end increase_steps else @sliding = false check_event_trigger_touch(@x - 1, @y + y_modifier) end end |
Move the Game_Character lower left
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 232 def move_lower_left unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == 6 ? 4 : @direction == 8 ? 2 : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, 2) && passable?(@x, @y + 1, 4)) || (passable?(@x, @y, 4) && passable?(@x - 1, @y, 2)) # 8 a la place de 2 sur les deux lignes move_follower_to_character @x -= 1 @y += 1 if @follower && $game_variables[Yuki::Var::FM_Sel_Foll] == 0 @memorized_move = :move_lower_left @memorized_move_arg = nil @follower.direction = @direction end movement_process_end(true) increase_steps end end |
Move the Game_Character lower right
252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 252 def move_lower_right unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == 4 ? 6 : @direction == 8 ? 2 : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, 2) && passable?(@x, @y + 1, 6)) || (passable?(@x, @y, 6) && passable?(@x + 1, @y, 2)) move_follower_to_character @x += 1 @y += 1 if @follower && $game_variables[Yuki::Var::FM_Sel_Foll] == 0 @memorized_move = :move_lower_right @memorized_move_arg = nil @follower.direction = @direction end movement_process_end(true) increase_steps end end |
Move the Game_Character to a random direction
312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 312 def move_random case rand(4) when 0 move_down(false) when 1 move_left(false) when 2 move_right(false) when 3 move_up(false) end end |
#move_right(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character right
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 119 def move_right(turn_enabled = true) turn_right if turn_enabled return if stair_move_right y_modifier = slope_check_right if passable?(@x, @y + y_modifier, 6) if $game_map.system_tag(@x + 1, @y) == JumpR return (jump(2, 0, false) ? follower_move : nil) end turn_right bridge_right_check(@z) @x += 1 movement_process_end if y_modifier != 0 @memorized_move = :move_toward @memorized_move_arg = [@x, @y] process_slope_y_modifier(y_modifier) end increase_steps else @sliding = false check_event_trigger_touch(@x + 1, @y + y_modifier) end end |
#move_toward(tx, ty)
375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 375 def move_toward(tx, ty) sx = @x - tx sy = @y - ty return if sx == 0 && sy == 0 abs_sx = sx.abs abs_sy = sy.abs if abs_sx == abs_sy rand(2) == 0 ? abs_sx += 1 : abs_sy += 1 end if abs_sx > abs_sy sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right unless moving? || sy == 0 sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down end else sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down unless moving? || sx == 0 sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right end end end |
Move the Game_Character toward the player
326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 326 def move_toward_player sx = @x - $game_player.x sy = @y - $game_player.y return if sx == 0 && sy == 0 abs_sx = sx.abs abs_sy = sy.abs if abs_sx == abs_sy rand(2) == 0 ? abs_sx += 1 : abs_sy += 1 end if abs_sx > abs_sy sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right unless moving? || sy == 0 sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down end else sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down unless moving? || sx == 0 sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right end end end |
Movement induced by the Path Finding
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 39 def move_type_path return if @path == :pending return unless movable? while (command = @path[@move_route_index]) # @move_route_index += 1 break if move_type_custon_exec_command(command) end end |
#move_up(turn_enabled = true)
Move Game_Character up
214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 214 def move_up(turn_enabled = true) turn_up if turn_enabled if passable?(@x, @y, 8) if $game_map.system_tag(@x, @y - 1) == JumpU return (jump(0, -2, false) ? follower_move : nil) end turn_up bridge_up_check(@z) @y -= 1 movement_process_end increase_steps else @sliding = false check_event_trigger_touch(@x, @y-1) end end |
Move the Game_Character upper left
272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 272 def move_upper_left unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == 6 ? 4 : @direction == 2 ? 8 : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, 8) && passable?(@x, @y - 1, 4)) || (passable?(@x, @y, 4) && passable?(@x - 1, @y, 8)) move_follower_to_character @x -= 1 @y -= 1 if @follower && $game_variables[Yuki::Var::FM_Sel_Foll] == 0 @memorized_move = :move_upper_left @memorized_move_arg = nil @follower.direction = @direction end movement_process_end(true) increase_steps end end |
Move the Game_Character upper right
292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 292 def move_upper_right unless @direction_fix @direction = (@direction == 4 ? 6 : @direction == 2 ? 8 : @direction) end if (passable?(@x, @y, 8) && passable?(@x, @y - 1, 6)) || (passable?(@x, @y, 6) && passable?(@x + 1, @y, 8)) move_follower_to_character @x += 1 @y -= 1 if @follower && $game_variables[Yuki::Var::FM_Sel_Foll] == 0 @memorized_move = :move_upper_right @memorized_move_arg = nil @follower.direction = @direction end movement_process_end(true) increase_steps end end |
#movement_process_end(no_follower_move = false)
End of the movement process
481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 481 def movement_process_end(no_follower_move = false) follower_move unless no_follower_move particle_push if SlideTags.include?(sys_tag = system_tag) || (sys_tag == MachBike && !($game_switches[::Yuki::Sw::EV_Bicycle] && @lastdir4 == 8)) @sliding = true @sliding_parameter = sys_tag Scheduler::EventTasks.trigger(:begin_slide, self) end z_bridge_check(sys_tag) detect_swamp if jumping? Scheduler::EventTasks.trigger(:begin_jump, self) elsif moving? Scheduler::EventTasks.trigger(:begin_step, self) end end |
#moveto(x, y)
Warps the character on the Map to specific coordinates. Adjust the z position of the character.
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 122 def moveto(x, y) @x = x # % $game_map.width # Removed because of new tilemap @y = y # % $game_map.height @real_x = @x * 128 @real_y = @y * 128 @prelock_direction = 0 # Warp the follower if @follower @follower.moveto(x, y) @follower.direction = @direction end # Update the stop count self.move_frequency = @move_frequency moveto_system_tag_manage end |
#moving? ⇒ Boolean
is the character moving ?
11 12 13 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 11 def moving? return (@real_x != @x * 128 || @real_y != @y * 128) end |
#next_event_follower ⇒ Game_Event?
Rerturn the first follower that is a Game_Event in the queue
112 113 114 115 116 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 112 def next_event_follower f = @follower f = f.follower while !f.nil? && !f.is_a?(Game_Event) return f.is_a?(Game_Event) ? f : nil end |
#original_move_speed ⇒ Integer
Return the original move speed of the character
162 163 164 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00150 Game_Character_Ext.rb', line 162 def original_move_speed return @move_speed end |
Push a particle to the particle stack if possible
27 28 29 30 31 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 27 def particle_push return if @particles_disabled method_name = PARTICLES_METHODS[system_tag] send(method_name) if method_name end |
Push a grass particle
34 35 36 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 34 def particle_push_grass Yuki::Particles.add_particle(self, 1) end |
Push a pond particle
67 68 69 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 67 def particle_push_pond Yuki::Particles.add_particle(self, :pond) if surfing? end |
Push a sand particle
47 48 49 50 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 47 def particle_push_sand particle = SAND_PARTICLE_NAME[@direction] Yuki::Particles.add_particle(self, particle) if particle && @can_make_footprint end |
Push a snow particle
61 62 63 64 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 61 def particle_push_snow particle = SNOW_PARTICLE_NAME[@direction] Yuki::Particles.add_particle(self, particle) if particle && @can_make_footprint end |
Push a tall grass particle
39 40 41 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 39 def particle_push_tall_grass Yuki::Particles.add_particle(self, 2) end |
Push a wet sand particle
53 54 55 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00160 Game_Character_particles.rb', line 53 def particle_push_wetsand Yuki::Particles.add_particle(self, :wetsand) end |
#passable?(x, y, d, skip_event = false) ⇒ Boolean
Is the tile in front of the character passable ?
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00105 Game_Character_passable.rb', line 13 def passable?(x, y, d, skip_event = false) new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0) new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0) z = @z game_map = $game_map return false unless game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y) || instance_of?(Game_Character) # Case where the event can pass through anything if @through return true unless @sliding return true if $game_switches[::Yuki::Sw::ThroughEvent] # Event is sliding here end sys_tag = game_map.system_tag(new_x, new_y) return false unless passable_bridge_check?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, z, game_map, sys_tag) && passage_surf_check?(sys_tag) return true if skip_event return false unless event_passable_check?(new_x, new_y, z, game_map) # Game Player check if $, new_y, z) return false unless $game_player.through || @character_name.empty? end return false unless follower_check?(new_x, new_y, z) return true end |
#passable_bridge_check?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, z, game_map, sys_tag) ⇒ Boolean
Check the bridge related passabilities
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00105 Game_Character_passable.rb', line 52 def passable_bridge_check?(x, y, d, new_x, new_y, z, game_map, sys_tag) bridge = @__bridge no_game_map = false if z > 1 if bridge return false unless game_map.system_tag_here?(new_x, new_y, bridge[0]) || game_map.system_tag_here?(new_x, new_y, bridge[1]) || game_map.system_tag_here?(x, y, bridge[1]) end case d when 2, 8 no_game_map = true if sys_tag == BridgeUD when 4, 6 no_game_map = true if sys_tag == BridgeRL end end return true if bridge || no_game_map return false unless game_map.passable?(x, y, d, self) return false unless game_map.passable?(new_x, new_y, 10 - d) return true end |
#passage_surf_check?(sys_tag) ⇒ Boolean
Check the surf related passabilities
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00105 Game_Character_passable.rb', line 77 def passage_surf_check?(sys_tag) return false if !@surfing && SurfTag.include?(sys_tag) if @surfing return false unless SurfLTag.include?(sys_tag) return false if sys_tag == WaterFall end return true end |
403 404 405 406 407 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00110 Game_Character_2.rb', line 403 def process_slope_y_modifier(y_modifier) @y += y_modifier @real_y = @y * 128 update_slope_offset_y end |
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 118 def reset_follower return unless (current_follower = @follower) while (next_follower = current_follower.follower) current_follower.set_follower(nil) current_follower = next_follower break unless next_follower.is_a?(Game_Event) end # @follower = nil set_follower(nil) end |
Remove the memorized moves of the follower
4 5 6 7 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 4 def reset_follower_move @memorized_move_arg = @memorized_move = nil if @memorized_move @follower&.reset_follower_move end |
#screen_x ⇒ Integer
Return the x position of the sprite on the screen
190 191 192 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 190 def screen_x return (@real_x - $game_map.display_x + 3) / 4 + 16 end |
#screen_y ⇒ Integer
Return the y position of the sprite on the screen
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 196 def screen_y y = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32 y += @offset_screen_y if @offset_screen_y y += @slope_offset_y if @slope_offset_y if @jump_count >= @jump_peak n = @jump_count - @jump_peak else n = @jump_peak - @jump_count end return y - (@jump_peak * @jump_peak - n * n) / 2 end |
#screen_z(_height = 0) ⇒ Integer
Return the z superiority of the sprite of the character
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 223 def screen_z(_height = 0) return 999 if @always_on_top z = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32 * @z return z + $game_map.priorities[@tile_id].to_i * 32 if @tile_id > 0 return z + 31 # return z + ((height > 64) ? 31 : 0) end |
#set_appearance(character_name, character_hue = 0)
Define the new appearance of the character
31 32 33 34 35 36 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00130 Game_Character_appearance.rb', line 31 def set_appearance(character_name, character_hue = 0) @character_name = character_name @character_hue = character_hue @shadow_disabled = character_name.empty? if @event && SHADOW_DISABLED_UPDATE_VALUES.include?(@shadow_disabled) change_shadow_disabled_state(true) if @surfing && !is_a?(Game_Player) end |
Define the follower of the event
96 97 98 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00145 Game_Character_follower.rb', line 96 def set_follower(follower) @follower = follower end |
Set the Game_Character in the “surfing” mode (not able to walk on ground but able to walk on water)
28 29 30 31 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 28 def set_surfing change_shadow_disabled_state(true) @surfing = true end |
#shadow_screen_x ⇒ Integer
Return the x position of the shadow of the character on the screen
210 211 212 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 210 def shadow_screen_x return (@real_x - $game_map.display_x + 3) / 4 + 16 end |
#shadow_screen_y ⇒ Integer
Return the y position of the shadow of the character on the screen
216 217 218 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 216 def shadow_screen_y return (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 34 + (@offset_shadow_screen_y || 0) + (@slope_offset_y || 0) # +3 => +5 end |
#sliding? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the Game_Character slides
43 44 45 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 43 def sliding? return @sliding end |
#slope_check_left(write = true)
Update the slope values when moving to left
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 66 def slope_check_left(write = true) # No slope move check if no slope involved front_sys_tag = front_system_tag return 0 unless (sys_tag = system_tag) == SlopesL || sys_tag == SlopesR || front_sys_tag == SlopesL || front_sys_tag == SlopesR # Begining of Left up slope if sys_tag != SlopesL && front_sys_tag == SlopesL if write @slope_length = 0 nx = @x - 1 ny = @y while $game_map.system_tag(nx, ny) == SlopesL nx -= 1 @slope_length += 1 end # Prepare the data @slope_origin_x = @real_x @slope_length *= -128 # display_length conversion end # End of the left up slope elsif sys_tag == SlopesL && front_sys_tag != SlopesL @slope_offset_y = @slope_origin_x = @slope_length = nil if passable?(@x, @y - 1, 4) && write return -1 # Start to go down the right slope elsif sys_tag != SlopesR && front_sys_tag == SlopesR return 1 unless passable?(@x, @y + 1, 4) if write @slope_length = 0 nx = @x - 1 ny = @y + 1 while $game_map.system_tag(nx, ny) == SlopesR nx -= 1 @slope_length += 1 end # Prepare data @slope_origin_x = (nx + 1) * 128 # Begin at next tile @slope_length *= -128 end return 1 # End of the slope left down elsif sys_tag == SlopesR && front_sys_tag != SlopesR @slope_offset_y = @slope_origin_x = @slope_length = nil if write end return 0 end |
#slope_check_right(write = true) ⇒ Integer
Update the slope values when moving to right, and return y slope modifier
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 161 def slope_check_right(write = true) # No slope move check if no slope involved front_sys_tag = front_system_tag return 0 unless (sys_tag = system_tag) == SlopesL || sys_tag == SlopesR || front_sys_tag == SlopesL || front_sys_tag == SlopesR # Begining of Right up slope if sys_tag != SlopesR && front_sys_tag == SlopesR if write @slope_length = 0 nx = @x + 1 ny = @y while $game_map.system_tag(nx, ny) == SlopesR nx += 1 @slope_length += 1 end # Prepare the data @slope_origin_x = @real_x @slope_length *= -128 # display_length conversion end # End of the right up slope elsif sys_tag == SlopesR && front_sys_tag != SlopesR @slope_offset_y = @slope_origin_x = @slope_length = nil if passable?(@x, @y - 1, 6) && write return -1 # Start to go down the left slope elsif sys_tag != SlopesL && front_sys_tag == SlopesL return 1 unless passable?(@x, @y + 1, 6) if write @slope_length = 0 nx = @x + 1 ny = @y + 1 while $game_map.system_tag(nx, ny) == SlopesL nx += 1 @slope_length += 1 end # Prepare data @slope_origin_x = (nx - 1) * 128 # Begin at next tile @slope_length *= -128 end return 1 # End of the slope left down elsif sys_tag == SlopesL && front_sys_tag != SlopesL @slope_offset_y = @slope_origin_x = @slope_length = nil if write end return 0 end |
#stair_move_left ⇒ Boolean
Try to move the Game_Character on a stair to the left
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 51 def stair_move_left # unless @through if front_system_tag == StairsL return true unless $game_map.system_tag(@x - 1, @y - 1) == StairsL move_upper_left return true elsif system_tag == StairsR move_lower_left return true end # end return false end |
#stair_move_right ⇒ Boolean
Try to move the Game_Character on a stair to the right
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00120 Game_Character_move.rb', line 145 def stair_move_right # unless @through if system_tag == StairsL move_lower_right return true elsif front_system_tag == StairsR return true unless $game_map.system_tag(@x + 1, @y - 1) == StairsR move_upper_right return true end # end return false end |
Stop following the path if there is one and clear the agent
32 33 34 35 36 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00170 Game_Character_pathfinding.rb', line 32 def stop_path # force_move_route(EMPTY_MOVE_ROUTE) clear_path Pathfinding.remove_request(self) end |
Adjust the character position
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00100 Game_Character_1.rb', line 94 def straighten if @walk_anime or @step_anime @pattern = 0 @pattern_state = false end @anime_count = 0 @prelock_direction = 0 end |
#surfing? ⇒ Boolean
Check if the Game_Character is in the “surfing” mode
36 37 38 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 36 def surfing? return @surfing end |
#system_tag ⇒ Integer
Return the SystemTag where the Game_Character stands
85 86 87 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 85 def system_tag return $game_map.system_tag(@x,@y) end |
#system_tag_db_symbol ⇒ Symbol
Return the db_symbol of the system tag
91 92 93 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 91 def system_tag_db_symbol GameData::SystemTags.system_tag_db_symbol(system_tag) end |
#terrain_tag ⇒ Integer?
current terrain tag on which the character steps
78 79 80 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 78 def terrain_tag return $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y) end |
Turn 180°
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 63 def turn_180 case @direction when 2 turn_up when 4 turn_right when 6 turn_left when 8 turn_down end end |
Turn away from the player
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 118 def turn_away_from_player sx = @x - $game_player.x sy = @y - $game_player.y return if sx == 0 && sy == 0 if sx.abs > sy.abs sx > 0 ? turn_right : turn_left else sy > 0 ? turn_down : turn_up end end |
Turn down unless direction fix
3 4 5 6 7 8 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 3 def turn_down unless @direction_fix @direction = 2 @stop_count = 0 end end |
Turn left unless direction fix
11 12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 11 def turn_left unless @direction_fix @direction = 4 @stop_count = 0 end end |
Turn 90° to the left of the Game_Character
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 49 def turn_left_90 case @direction when 2 turn_right when 4 turn_down when 6 turn_up when 8 turn_left end end |
Turn in a random direction
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 86 def turn_random case rand(4) when 0 turn_up when 1 turn_right when 2 turn_left when 3 turn_down end end |
Turn right unless direction fix
19 20 21 22 23 24 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 19 def turn_right unless @direction_fix @direction = 6 @stop_count = 0 end end |
Turn 90° to the right of the Game_Character
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 35 def turn_right_90 case @direction when 2 turn_left when 4 turn_up when 6 turn_down when 8 turn_right end end |
Turn random right or left 90°
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 77 def turn_right_or_left_90 if rand(2) == 0 turn_right_90 else turn_left_90 end end |
Turn toward another character
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 106 def turn_toward_character(character) sx = @x - character.x sy = @y - character.y return if sx == 0 && sy == 0 if sx.abs > sy.abs sx > 0 ? turn_left : turn_right else sy > 0 ? turn_up : turn_down end end |
Turn toward the player
100 101 102 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 100 def turn_toward_player turn_toward_character($game_player) end |
Turn up unless direction fix
27 28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00125 Game_Character_turn.rb', line 27 def turn_up unless @direction_fix @direction = 8 @stop_count = 0 end end |
Release the character, can perform its natural movements
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00140 Game_Character_state.rb', line 66 def unlock return unless @locked # Store the state @locked = false # We don't change the direction if it's a fix direction return if @direction_fix # We change the direction if the prelock direction is not zero @direction = @prelock_direction unless @prelock_direction == 0 end |
Update the Game_Character (manages movements and some animations)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00110 Game_Character_2.rb', line 3 def update if jumping? update_jump elsif moving? update_move elsif @sliding update_sliding else update_stop end update_pattern return if @sliding return @wait_count -= 1 if @wait_count > 0 # or follower_sliding? return move_type_path if @path # Needs to have priority over move_type_custom return move_type_custom if @move_route_forcing return if @starting || lock? return unless @stop_count > @max_stop_count # Automatic movement case @move_type when 1 move_type_random when 2 move_type_toward_player when 3 move_type_custom end end |
Check bridge information and adjust the z position of the Game_Character
33 34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'scripts/01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00002 Logic/00650 RMXP/00155 Game_Character_bridge.rb', line 33 def z_bridge_check(sys_tag) @z = ZTag.index(sys_tag) if ZTag.include?(sys_tag) @z = 1 if @z < 1 @z = 0 if @z == 1 and BRIDGE_TILES.include?(sys_tag) @__bridge = nil if @__bridge and @__bridge.last == sys_tag end |